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DIY Campus Keepsake Stickers With Kamo

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Materials to Buy


Ink Cartridges





Choose Cartridges by Brand

Kamo A4 bedruckbares mattes Klebepapier, 210 x 297 mm
Kamo A4 bedruckbares mattes Klebepapier, 210 x 297 mm
Kamo A4 bedruckbares mattes Klebepapier, 210 x 297 mm
Kamo A4 bedruckbares mattes Klebepapier, 210 x 297 mm
Kamo A4 bedruckbares mattes Klebepapier, 210 x 297 mm
Kamo A4 bedruckbares mattes Klebepapier, 210 x 297 mm
Kamo A4 bedruckbares mattes Klebepapier, 210 x 297 mm
Kamo A4 bedruckbares mattes Klebepapier, 210 x 297 mm
Kamo A4 bedruckbares mattes Klebepapier, 210 x 297 mm
Kamo A4 bedruckbares mattes Klebepapier, 210 x 297 mm
Kamo A4 bedruckbares mattes Klebepapier, 210 x 297 mm
Kamo A4 bedruckbares mattes Klebepapier, 210 x 297 mm

Kamo A4 bedruckbares mattes Klebepapier, 210 x 297 mm


Explore fundamental design principles covering composition, balance, contrast and hierarchy

Explore key design elements such as lines, shapes, forms and textures

Experience what graphic designers do in the real world and get the training you need to master new skills.

How to DIY Your Own Stickers

Schritt 1: Kartenmaterial erfassen und importieren


Suchen Sie auf Plattformen wie Google Maps oder Apple Maps nach Ihrer Schule und der Umgebung. Machen Sie Screenshots von diesen Karten und importieren Sie die Bilder in eine Design-Plattform wie Canva, Procreate oder Adobe Photoshop. In diesem Beispiel verwenden wir Procreate.

Schritt 2: Gestalten und zeichnen


Zeichnen Sie einen Kreis um den Umriss Ihrer Schule.Verwenden Sie eine dicke Linie, um die Gebäude und Straßen innerhalb des Kreises zu skizzieren.Fügen Sie an besonderen Orten, die für Sie von Bedeutung sind (wie z.B. Orte, an denen Sie sich mit Freunden getroffen haben), niedliche Elemente und Verzierungen hinzu.Färben Sie die Zeichnung ein und fügen Sie Textinformationen rund um den Kreis hinzu.Zeichnen Sie abschließend einen weiteren Kreis um die äußeren Textelemente.

Schritt 3: Drucken und Ausschneiden


Drucken Sie Ihr fertiges Design auf Klebepapier aus. Schneiden Sie die Aufkleber sorgfältig aus.

Schritt 4: Aufkleben und Erinnerungen bewahren


Jetzt können Sie Ihre personalisierten Aufkleber überall aufkleben – auf Ihrem Rucksack, Ihrer Wasserflasche, Kleidung und vielem mehr, um Ihre schönen Campus-Erinnerungen immer bei sich zu tragen.

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Blog Posts

Get More Prints from Your HP Ink Cartridges
May 30, 2024 

Get More Prints from Your HP Ink Cartridges

In a world where cost efficiency and environmental preservation are paramount, optimizing the use of HP ink cartridges is crucial. This guide aims to enhance your printing practices by extending cartridge life, reducing costs, and minimizing environmental impact.


Why Are HP Ink Cartridges Special?

HP ink cartridges are known for their superior quality, producing durable, vivid prints. Their design promotes a seamless printing experience, reducing common issues like ink leakage and print head clogging.


What Makes HP Cartridges Stand Out

HP invests in advanced technology and materials for their cartridges, ensuring long-lasting prints and a reliable printing experience. These cartridges are designed to work perfectly with HP printers, enhancing print quality and printer longevity.


Why Efficient Use Matters

Using ink efficiently is cost-effective and environmentally friendly. Genuine HP cartridges, while superior, are costly, and optimizing their use can significantly cut long-term printing expenses. Moreover, reducing cartridge waste helps lessen environmental impact, promoting sustainability.


How Can You Extend the Life of Your HP Ink Cartridges?

Here are some practical steps to make your HP ink cartridges last longer:

  • Adjusting Your Printer Settings for Ink Savings: Utilize settings like draft printing mode for less critical documents to save ink. For text documents, printing in monochrome can conserve color ink.

  • The Role of Regular Maintenance: Regular cleaning of print heads and proper printer alignment ensures efficient ink usage and prevents quality issues that lead to ink wastage.

  • Smart Printing Practices: Combine print jobs to reduce ink used during the initialization and finalization phases. Using print preview can help avoid errors that waste ink.


How Can You Take Your Ink Conservation to the Next Level?

To further extend ink conservation:

  • Selecting the Right Paper: Using high-quality, heavy papers designed for inkjet printers can reduce ink absorption and improve print quality, which in turn conserves ink.

  • Software Solutions: Software that optimizes font style and size for ink efficiency or modifies print commands to use less ink can significantly reduce ink usage. Ecofont software, for example, creates tiny, unnoticeable holes in letters, saving up to 15% of ink.

  • Refilling Your Cartridges: While refilling cartridges can be economical and environmentally beneficial, it carries risks such as potentially reduced print quality and possible printer damage. If opting to refill, use high-quality ink and adhere strictly to refilling instructions.


Wrapping Up

Maximizing the efficiency of your HP ink cartridges involves tweaking printer settings and adopting advanced ink-saving strategies. Efficient printing reduces both costs and environmental impacts. Experiment with these tips to optimize your printing setup.



  1. How does draft printing mode save ink?
    Draft mode uses less ink by producing lower quality prints, ideal for internal documents where high quality is not crucial.

  2. Can regular maintenance make a cartridge last longer?
    Yes, regular maintenance like cleaning print heads and aligning the printer ensures efficient operation and prevents ink wastage.

  3. Why should I combine my print jobs?
    Combining print jobs minimizes ink loss during the start and end of printing tasks, saving ink and reducing printer wear.

  4. How does the right paper affect ink usage?
    High-quality paper improves ink absorption and print quality, reducing the amount of ink required for desirable results.

  5. Is refilling ink cartridges a good idea?
    Refilling can save money and reduce waste but may affect print quality and printer warranty. Use high-quality refills and professional techniques to minimize risks.

Save Money on Epson Ink: Top Tips for Affordable Printing
May 30, 2024 

Save Money on Epson Ink: Top Tips for Affordable Printing

Did you know the printer ink cost can exceed the printer's price over its lifetime? The expense of Epson ink can take a significant toll on your wallet, making it crucial to find ways to save. This guide reveals several strategies to keep those costs down, from optimizing your printer settings to exploring generic ink alternatives. By the end, you'll have a toolbox of tactics, promising more economical printing practices without sacrificing quality.

How Can You Print More Efficiently?

Printing can often feel like pouring money down the drain, especially regarding the cost of ink. However, with some smart practices, you can significantly reduce printing expenses.

Optimize Your Printer Settings

Your printer settings hold the key to saving ink. By default, printers are set to print at a higher quality, which uses more ink. Change these settings to draft or economy mode for everyday printing tasks. This adjustment makes the documents slightly lighter but perfectly readable and suitable for internal use. Additionally, select the double-sided printing option to save paper along with ink.

Print Preview is Your Friend

How many times have you printed a document only to find a mistake or realize you only needed a portion of it? This common mistake is a huge ink waste. Use print preview to see exactly how your document will look on paper, catch any errors, excess pages, or irrelevant information before you print. A little time here can save a lot of ink and paper in the long run.

Embrace Black and White

Color ink cartridges are more expensive than black, and using them sparingly can lead to significant savings. Print in black and white unless the document requires color for comprehension or presentation purposes. This simple choice can dramatically extend the life of your color ink cartridges, saving you money and reducing the replacement frequency.

How Can Strategic Ink Purchasing Save You Money?

Saving money on printer ink doesn't mean you have to compromise on the quality of your prints. By making smart choices when purchasing ink, you can significantly reduce your expenses without affecting your printing experience.

Generic vs. Brand Name Ink

When deciding between generic and brand-name ink, weigh the benefits and drawbacks of each. Brand-name ink, such as those provided by Epson, ensures compatibility and optimal performance but often comes at a higher price. Generic or compatible ink cartridges are cheaper and can offer similar-quality prints for everyday use. However, it's crucial to purchase from reputable suppliers to avoid poor-quality ink that could damage your printer or produce unsatisfactory prints.

Buying in Bulk

If you print regularly, buying ink in bulk can be a significant cost-saver. Typically, the per-cartridge cost decreases as you buy more, making this an economical choice for offices or households with high printing needs. Ensure you store your extra cartridges correctly to maintain their quality until you need them.

Subscribing to Ink Services

Subscribing to an ink replenishment service is another savvy way to save on ink. Services offered by printer manufacturers, including Epson, automatically send you new ink cartridges when your printer is running low. This ensures you never run out of ink at critical moments and tends to be more cost-effective than purchasing cartridges individually. Plus, the convenience factor is a significant bonus.

Innovative Solutions and Maintenance Tips

Saving on printer ink doesn't just stop at being strategic about how and when you print. You can extend your savings even further by looking into alternative ink solutions and engaging in regular printer maintenance.

Refill Kits and Third-Party Solutions

Refill kits and third-party ink cartridges have become popular for cutting down on printing costs. When choosing these options, selecting reputable brands is crucial to avoid damaging your printer. Some third-party options, like, are meticulously designed to match the quality and compatibility of brand-name inks, ensuring you get the best value for your money. However, always do your research and read reviews to make informed decisions.

Regular Printer Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key to prolonging the life of your ink cartridges and ensuring your printer operates efficiently. Simple actions like cleaning the print heads can prevent ink wastage due to clogging and poor print quality. Most printers have a built-in process for head cleaning, which can be accessed through the printer's menu or software on your computer. Additionally, keeping your printer in a dust-free environment and gently removing and shaking cartridges when running low can help maximize their lifespan.

Going Digital When Possible

Embracing digital options whenever possible can significantly reduce your need for printing. Whether you store documents on your computer, use digital signatures, or share files online, going paperless not only cuts down on ink usage but also benefits the environment. In today's digital age, many tasks that previously required printing can now be completed electronically, allowing for both ink savings and reduced paper waste.

The Path to Cost-Effective Printing

This guide explored smart practices, strategic buying, and innovative methods to reduce your Epson ink expenses. You can significantly reduce costs by tweaking printer settings, opting for generic ink, and maintaining your printer. Embrace these tactics, and start saving on ink today!

FAQ Section

How can adjusting printer settings reduce ink usage?

You can significantly decrease ink consumption by optimizing your printer settings, such as reducing print quality for everyday documents and using 'draft' mode. It’s a simple yet effective way to make your cartridges last longer. Don’t forget to switch it back for those occasions when high-quality prints are essential.

Why should I consider using generic ink over brand name ink?

While brand-name inks guarantee compatibility and quality, generic inks can offer substantial savings. The key is to find a reputable third-party ink supplier to ensure quality isn’t compromised. Remember, not all generics are created equal, so it's worth doing some research or asking for recommendations.

What are the benefits of subscribing to ink services?

Ink subscription services automate the replenishment of your ink, ensuring you never run out at an inopportune time. Due to the subscription model, these services often offer ink at a lower cost and can tailor your shipments based on your printing habits. This can be a convenient and cost-effective solution for heavy and light printer users.

Are refill kits a viable way to save money on ink?

Refill kits can be a cost-effective alternative if used correctly. However, following the instructions carefully is crucial to avoid damaging your printer. Using quality ink and ensuring cleanliness during the process will help maintain print quality and cartridge life. It might take a bit of practice, but the savings could be worth it.

How does regular printer maintenance contribute to ink savings?

Keeping your printer in good working condition extends the life of your ink cartridges and ensures optimal print quality. Regular cleaning of the printhead prevents ink waste due to clogging and poor print jobs, which might otherwise require reprinting. Additionally, turning your printer off using the power button allows it to park the cartridges properly, helping to prevent the ink from drying out.

Fix Epson Printer Driver Issues: Troubleshooting Guide for Common Problems
May 24, 2024 

Fix Epson Printer Driver Issues: Troubleshooting Guide for Common Problems

Did you know that a simple driver update can significantly enhance your Epson printer’s performance, sometimes even unlocking new features? This guide helps you navigate printer driver issues, emphasizing the importance of keeping drivers up-to-date. From identifying signs of driver problems to exploring advanced troubleshooting techniques, you’ll learn how to address these issues efficiently.


Identifying the Problem

What Signs Indicate a Driver Issue? If your Epson printer is not responding, or perhaps printing improperly, there’s a good chance you’re dealing with driver issues. These symptoms can manifest as banding, incorrect colors, blurry prints, and even faded prints.

Why Does Your Epson Printer Have Driver Issues? Most printer malfunctions, particularly with Epson models, stem from compatibility problems with recent updates to your operating system or corrupted driver files due to malware or incomplete installations.

Checking Your Printer Driver

Using the built-in Windows Troubleshooter is a good starting point for troubleshooting. This tool helps identify and sometimes resolve driver-related issues automatically. Checking the Device Manager for driver notifications is another effective method to pinpoint problems with your printer’s drivers.

Updating Your Epson Printer Driver

Automatically Update through Windows: Windows users can update drivers automatically via the Control Panel. Navigate to the Devices and Printers section, right-click on your Epson printer, and select Update driver.

Manual Update from Epson’s Official Website: Visit Epson’s official website, search for your printer model, and download the recommended drivers. This method ensures you have the latest and most suitable driver version.

Reinstalling Your Printer Driver

Sometimes, a fresh installation is required to eliminate corrupt files. Uninstall the printer through your computer’s Control Panel, then reinstall it using the latest driver from Epson’s website.

Solving Compatibility Issues

Compatibility Mode Installation: If new drivers don't resolve the issue, install the driver in Compatibility Mode by selecting an older operating system version for which the driver was designed. This can help older drivers work with newer operating systems.

Downloading the Right Version for Your Operating System: Ensure the driver version matches your operating system’s architecture—32-bit or 64-bit—to avoid compatibility issues.

How Can You Tackle Advanced Epson Printer Driver Issues?

Cleaning Up Corrupted Driver Files: Using cleaning utilities can help remove unnecessary or damaged files from your system, streamlining the process. Alternatively, manually deleting the driver files and reinstalling the latest version can be effective.

Configuring Network Printer Driver Troubles: Ensure your printer’s IP address matches your network configuration and check that no firewall or security software is blocking the connection. Keeping your network printer’s drivers updated can resolve many issues.

Seeking Professional Help

If you encounter persistent issues or feel uncomfortable performing troubleshooting steps, contacting Epson support or consulting online forums can provide additional guidance and solutions.


  1. What are the signs that indicate a driver issue with my Epson printer?

    • If your printer is not responding, printing incorrectly, or showing error messages, you might have a driver issue.
  2. Why does my Epson printer experience driver issues?

    • Issues often arise from compatibility problems with your operating system or corrupted driver files.
  3. How can I update my Epson printer driver?

    • Update automatically through Windows or manually by downloading from Epson’s official website.
  4. What should I do if my Epson printer driver is incompatible with my operating system?

    • Install the driver in Compatibility Mode or download a version designed for your system from Epson’s website.
  5. When is it necessary to seek professional help for Epson printer driver issues?

    • If basic troubleshooting doesn’t resolve your problem, or if you’re dealing with complex issues like network printer troubles, it may be time to contact support or seek advice from forums.
Find the Right HP Ink Cartridge for Your Printer (Fast & Easy Guide)
May 15, 2024 

Find the Right HP Ink Cartridge for Your Printer (Fast & Easy Guide)

Using the correct HP ink cartridge is crucial as it impacts print quality and printer health. This guide will help you understand your printer’s requirements, decode HP ink cartridge numbers, and choose the right cartridge.


Understanding Your Printer’s Requirements

Start by identifying your printer model, which is often found on a label on the printer itself or through the printer settings on your connected computer. Knowing the exact model is essential for choosing compatible ink cartridges.


Identify Your Printer Model

  • Physical Label: Check for a label on the back, bottom, or inside the cartridge access area.
  • Computer Settings: Access the printer settings via your computer’s control panel.


Printer Specifications and Cartridge Compatibility

  • Printer’s Manual: Use your printer’s manual to find the recommended cartridge types.
  • Online Resources: Visit HP’s website, entering your model number for detailed compatibility.
  • Customer Support: Contact HP support for guidance on suitable cartridges.


Decoding HP Ink Cartridge Numbers and Categories

HP ink cartridges are identified by numbers and letters indicating their series and type:

  • Series Number: Indicates compatibility with printer series.
  • Cartridge Type: "XL" denotes high-yield, and "XXL" indicates even higher capacity.


Original HP vs. Compatible Cartridges

  • Original HP Cartridges: Recommended for best quality and reliability.
  • Compatible Cartridges: Cheaper but vary in quality. Ensure they have positive reviews and a good warranty.


How to Make the Choice

Your choice depends on printing frequency and budget:

  • Frequent Printing: Original HP cartridges are preferable for their reliability.
  • Infrequent Use or Tight Budget: Compatible cartridges may suffice but require careful selection.


How to Find and Purchase the Right Cartridge

  • Online Tools: Use HP’s website or other reputable tech review sites to confirm cartridge compatibility.
  • In-Store Assistance: Ask store employees for help and check packaging for compatibility information.
  • Offers and Subscriptions: Consider HP’s ink subscription service, HP Instant Ink, for convenience and potential savings.


Wrapping It Up

Choosing the right cartridge is essential for hassle-free printing. Use the steps outlined to ensure compatibility and quality.


FAQ Section

Q1: Finding Model Number: Check the printer or printer settings.

Q2: Original vs. Compatible Cartridges: Originals offer reliability, compatibles offer affordability but vary in quality.

Q3: Online Tools: Use HP’s website and third-party sites to check cartridge compatibility.

Q4: Benefits of HP Instant Ink: Saves money and avoids the inconvenience of running out of ink.


By following these guidelines, you can ensure a seamless printing experience with your HP printer.

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